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Майнкрафт ходячие мертвецы мод

The Walking Dead mod for Minecraft is a masterpiece from the developers, why? because it"s an exact copy of whole terrain, an exact copy of all the nuances of the area you saw in this Walking Dead TV series. If you bother to look down at the screenshots, there you will see the comparison screenshots with the game and the series, you will see they are almost identical.I bow to the developers, because they really showed the class how to work. A map of the Walking dead now come in different seasons 2,3,4. I forgot to say what you need to survive!

The Walking Dead is a mod for Minecraft which is based on the same series, the Walking dead. In it you will see familiar, fans of this creation, places and locations, and this farm of Hershel, the prison, the Governor"s town of Woodbury and many others. Prepare to confront hordes of zombies that may await you at every corner of the map Walling Dead.Good day, dear reader! In this article I, copywriter DCV, will tell you of the modification of "Walking Dead Mod".The mod is small enough and essentially only introduces 2 new elements to the game. He adds a new type of zombie called walker. They are quite similar to the regular zombie from Minecraft, the murder of them drops a rotten flesh, and the style of drawing is reminiscent of the usual zombies.

They have three significant differences from the usual zombies, namely: they have different textures, they will attack as a player, and peaceful mobs, such as chickens and pigs, and they have a great advantage - they can exist in both day and night, sunlight does not harm them.Mod does not inspire special horror, but still recommended to fans of horror. A little scary permanent spawn a new zombie in both day and night, and at times their numbers can get out of the focus of the player and cause significant damage. The mod may seem a bit scary or Vice versa, fun for multiplayer, as zombies are not particularly able to resist literally less than a hundred players.The mod is simple enough to use. Just ustaivayte it by following the instructions, go into your world, good shells and enjoy the new and improved attack zombies. Nothing more you do, the mod doesn"t have any of their crafts and he will spawned zombies without a player, you only can disable different spawn hostile mobs in the config of the mod which is in .minecraft config WalkingDeadMod.cfg.

The Walking Dead The Game (он же Season One ) - эпизодическая point and click игра с элементами РПГ.

В отличии от таких игр как Resident Evil , Left 4 Dead и прочих, в The Walking Dead внимание уделяется в первую очередь эмоциям персонажей, диалогам и захватывающему сюжету, нежели экшену и перестрелкам. Основные задачи в игре представлены головоломками, но не такими, какими мы их привыкли видеть в каком-нибудь квесте, а реальные задачи, с которым могут столкнуться выжившие в результате зомби апокалипсиса, а именно сбор ресурсов, починка техники и борьба за выживание.

Вид в игре ведется от третьего лица, а геймплей - в стиле point and click. Множество объектов интерактивны, а некоторые из них можно положить к себе в рюкзак для дальнейшего взаимодействия. Особо интересны диалоги персонажей, в которых игрок может принять непосредственное участие. Правда время на ответ у вас ограничено - думайте быстрее! Игра завоевала множественные награды (включая "Игра года ") и имеет десятки миллионов скачиваний. Такое количество пользователей не может ошибаться!

Скачивать и устанавливать нужно обе части кеша!

Что нового:

  • Все главы встроены в кеш OBB;
  • Игра переведена на русский язык;
  • Исправлены ошибки.

Информация о моде:

  • Открыты все эпизоды
Для установки модифицированной версии APK файла, необходимо удалить предыдущую (оригинальную) версию. При этом удаляются все ваши данные (уровень развития, сохранения и общий прогресс игры).

Today I want to introduce you a new mod names Walking Dead . It is created by MobApocalypse and with the latest update, you can use this mod with version 1.6.4, 1.7.10 and 1.8 of Minecraft. Walking Dead is an interesting adventure mod that can create a theme of zombies in your Minecraft world. You are expected to see Walker, Zombies everywhere. They will attack you, chickens, your pets of course. So you should be well prepared for the battle.

The Walking Dead Mod 1.8 mimics exactly what happen in The Walking Dead movie. So you will have an other great experience with this movie. Especially with Minecrafters who like horror action movie. You can try your best to save yourself, save your stuffs and also save your Minecraft world.

The Walking Dead mod brings this one of a kind world in front of us, all while adding in a very refined and quite interesting place we can peruse through as we see fit.

Current Mobs:

The Walking Dead Mod Minecraft not only adds other similar enemies and zombie walkers into the game, but it also adds some of the characters from the series. You can looking around for Daryl, Carl, or Michonne among many others. The incredible Walking Dead Mod quite good so that it can satisfy all your hunger when it comes to having your favorite Hollywood characters in your Minecraft Game.

The Walking Dead Mod Minecraft can also help you add new kind of weapons into your Minecraft. You can add in machetes, firemen axes, baseball bats and other cool weapons. All of these add up in order to generate a very fun and interesting experience all around.

Mod Walking Dead c an be installed with roughly any new version of the game, but we recommend you playing it with the version 1.7.10 of Minecraft. It is reliable and stable. It does work with newer version of Minecraft, so you can try it on.

Current Items:

There are options in the config file to allow or disallow spawning of endermen, spiders, creepers, zombies, slime, and skeletons

Walkers should now spawn in biomes created by the ExtraBiomesXL mod . The walkers should now be able to spawn in any biome derived from the BiomeGenBase class.

Mod recipes

Smelt Steel Ore to Get Steel Ingots

Block of Steel

Refined Steel

Steel Plate

Wooden Baseball Bat

Metal Bad

Fire Axe

Empty Bottle

Polluted Water Bottle (Removed in v2.5 for Technical Reasons)

Water Bottle (Removed in v2.5 for Technical Reasons)


Rick’s Python

Python Ammo

Daryl’s Crossbow

Crossbow Bolts

M16 Ammo

AK-47 Ammo

Pistol Ammo

What is Walking Dead Mod?

Is a really interesting mod that add new type of zombie called a walker into you Minecraft world. They seems to be similar to the original zombie but they look different, they will attack you, pigs, and chicken, especially they don’t burn in the sun like the original one. Walking Dead Mod also add hostile monsters, which has some use to the person who doesn’t want the walkers themselves. Zombies, monster are everywhere. Be careful. This mod is an amazing adventure mod. Believe me.

Zombies in the daytime! Walkers are everywhere, be careful. Sort of an adventure mod. The walkers will attack players, chickens and pigs.

By installing The Walking Mod, the Dead might get more of the zombies they love-in Minecraft. Along with the different walkers that’ll spawn, figures from the exhibit that is preferred may also make appearances in the player’s earth with this specific mod installed. Be searching for Michonne The Governor and Daryl.

Several weapons that are inside their aspect in The Dead produce performances in this mod at the same time. People may anticipate designing bats, firemen’s axes, machetes and also other items which are only superb for bashing, smashing and lowering up these walkers. Since participants will need to keep a normal way to obtain clear water handy, the same as they should consume enough food this mod likewise adds a trace of realism to Minecraft. Water goes into clear bottles nevertheless it should be cooked in a furnace before it’s secure and clear enough for your participant to consume.

Walking Dead Mod Video:

New Mobs:

  • Abraham Ford
  • Eugene Porter
  • Sasha
  • Michonne’s Pet Walker
  • Molly (Game)
  • Clementine (Game)

How to install Walking Dead Mod:

  • Download and install
  • Download Walking Dead Mod
  • Just copy the mod jar files to the